: : 200 Collins 

: : 505 Lt Collins

We worked with MFS on an innovative “stapling” structure whereby the investors in MFS became investors in Macquarie Direct Property Fund and at the same time allowing the Macquarie fund to take over the existing Suncorp loan on the property which had been agreed on terms which were exceptionally favourable to MFS.

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An opportunity was  identified to acquire some properties at historically low prices in a market which was ideally poised for strong rental and capital growth.

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: : 171 Collins

Working with another property division of Macquarie, we were able to acquire the former “Shop of Shop” site in Collins Street, Melbourne for a proposed new premium-grade office development, the first in the Paris End of Collins Street for over 20 years.

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“At Killila Property Group, our aim is to provide clients with creative solutions and superior results by applying our considerable skill, experience and industry network to their property needs. Please take the time to read through the services we offer and some transaction case studies of mine prior to establishing Killila, and feel free to contact us if you think we can assist you in any way.”

To find out more about how Killila Property Group can assist, contact us on 0414 474 756.

*NB – All case studies herein relate to my time at Macquarie Group and Charter Hall from 1996-2012 and not since the establishment of Killila Property Group.